Txij li thaum muaj tus kab mob sib kis thaum ntxov xyoo 2020, cov cuab yeej tsis sib cuag infrared lub cev ntsuas kub tau siv los ua ib qho kev tshuaj ntsuam xyuas ua ntej rau kev tiv thaiv kev sib kis.Kev lag luam xav tau nce siab nyob rau lub sijhawm luv luv, ua rau kev lag luam xav tau rau cov khoom tseem ceeb ntawm infrared thermopile sensors kom nce ib txhij, thiab txawm tias cov khoom tsis txaus.
Thaum lub sijhawm ntawd, Xiamen Yeying tau kov yeej ntau yam teeb meem thiab muab ze li 3 lab lub ntsuas ntsuas rau cov khoom siv ntsuas kub tsis sib cuag hauv 13 lub xeev thiab nroog thoob plaws tebchaws, zam qhov xwm txheej tsis muaj "core" muaj rau cov tuam txhab qis qis, thiab pab tiv thaiv thiab tswj kev sib kis.Ntau lawm.
Raws li kev tiv thaiv kab mob sib kis tau nkag mus rau theem normalization, kev lag luam qhov kev thov rau kev ntsuas kub tau nkag mus rau hauv peb qhov kev mus ncig txhua hnub.Muaj kev xav tau ntau ntxiv rau cov khoom me me, nqa tau yooj yim, muaj tseeb, nyeem ntawv ceev, thiab cov khoom siv ntsuas kub tsis tshua muaj nqi.
Raws li cov chaw tsim khoom lag luam hauv tsev ntawm MEMS infrared thermopile sensors, Xiamen Yeying kuj tau ua cov thev naus laus zis tshiab los teb rau cov kev xav tau ntawm kev lag luam sib txawv, thiab maj mam nthuav dav los ntawm ntsuas kub ntsuas phom cov khoom lag luam hauv kev kho mob rau cov xov tooj ntawm tes, khoom siv hauv chav ua noj, cov khoom siv me me, ntse. terminals thiab Non-kho kev lag luam xws li cov khoom siv hnav.
Lub tswv yim tsim los tsim cov khoom zoo
Wearable li xws li xov tooj ntawm tes thiab smartwatches yog ib qho ntawm Xiamen Yeying cov khoom lag luam tseem ceeb.Los ntawm kev koom ua ke infrared ntsuas kub ntsuas sensors rau hauv lub xov tooj ntawm tes, smartwatches thiab lwm yam khoom, cov khoom saum toj no tuaj yeem nruab nrog ntsuas kub ntsuas thiab ntxiv dag zog rau cov xov tooj ntawm tes thiab smart watches.Daim ntawv thov scenarios ntawm watches thiab lwm yam khoom.
Nws yog tsim nyog hais tias vim hais tias cov neeg siv khoom siv hluav taws xob xws li cov xov tooj ntawm tes thiab cov smartwatches muaj cov kev xav tau siab heev ntawm cov khoom siv loj, kev siv hluav taws xob, thiab cov ntawv thov cuam tshuam, qhov loj me yuav tsum yog lub teeb thiab nyias, yooj yim rau kev sib xyaw, thiab siv tau yooj yim ua ntej lawv tuaj yeem ua tau. raug saws.
Raws li CMOS-MEMS thev naus laus zis, pab pawg Xiamen Yeying project tsim thiab tsim cov substrate infrared thermopile sensor.Piv nrog rau cov thermopile infrared sensor ntim rau hauv TO hlau plhaub, nws qhov loj me tau txo qis heev.Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, lub tuam txhab tau hloov lub sensor plug-in welding mus rau qhov ntsuas tsis siv neeg.Nws yog qhov tsim nyog rau cov kev xav tau ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob ntse rau lub teeb thiab nyias cov khoom siv hluav taws xob.

Raws li cov lus ceeb toom, Xiamen Yeying cov khoom lag luam tam sim no rau cov xov tooj ntawm tes thiab cov khoom siv hnav yog STP10DB51G2.Cov khoom no yog ib qho digital infrared kub sensor uas muaj qhov zoo ntawm qhov tsis sib cuag, me me, tsis tshua muaj nqi, thiab muaj zog ruaj khov, thaum txo qis cov kev cai ntawm peripheral Circuit Court thiab calibration yuav tsum tau tham txog infrared thermopile sensor.
Raws li infrared thermopile thev naus laus zis thiab ultra-low suab nrov analog pem hauv ntej kawg (AFE) teeb liab saw tshuab, STP10DB51G2 integrates ASICAFE analog tso zis, thiab qhov ntsuas kub ntsuas qhov tseeb tuaj yeem ncav cuag 0.01 ° C, uas yooj yim rau kev siv hluav taws xob sib xyaw ua ke;integrated digital kub sensor rau ambient kub Kev them nyiaj yug, tsis xav tau ambient kub calibration;LGA pob, me me, muaj kev ntseeg siab, siab tshaj nrog cov neeg siv khoom siv hluav taws xob tsim khoom thiab cov txheej txheem sib dhos;Lub sij hawm ntsuas kub luv luv, <100ms, ntsuas tsis yog inductive ntawm lub cev kub.
Xiamen Yeying muab ib txhij infrared ntsuas kub ntsuas algorithm kev txhawb nqa ntawm lub hauv paus ntawm cov sensors, thiab muab cov kev pabcuam Turnkey los ntawm "software + hardware" kev txhawb nqa txoj kev, uas tuaj yeem ua kom cov neeg siv khoom sib koom ua ke loj heev.
Koom tes nrog ntau tus paub zoo hauv xov tooj ntawm tes manufacturers
Qhov tseeb, kev tswj hwm kev noj qab haus huv tau dhau los ua qhov kev thov nruj ntawm cov neeg siv khoom siv hluav taws xob.Kev sib xyaw ua ke ntawm lub cev ntsuas kub ntawm lub xov tooj ntawm tes tuaj yeem paub txog kev kuaj xyuas kev noj qab haus huv ntawm lub cev hauv cov xwm txheej sib txawv, xws li kev kuaj xyuas tus kheej txhua hnub, kuaj pom lub cev poob hauv kev ua kis las, thiab ntsuas lub cev kub tsis tu ncua.Kwv yees cov kab mob ntev ua ntej thiab lwm yam.
Ntxiv nrog rau qhov ntsuas kub ntawm lub cev, ntsuas qhov ntsuas kub tsis sib cuag ntawm lub cev kuj tseem tuaj yeem ua kom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo ntawm daim ntawv thov ntawm cov xov tooj ntawm tes, pom qhov ntsuas qhov ntsuas kub, thiab ntsuas qhov ntsuas kub ntawm cov khoom nyob ib puag ncig txhua lub sijhawm, xws li ntsuas kub dej haus, ntsuas qhov ntsuas kub, thiab txawv txav qhov chaw kub.Kev kuaj pom.
Vim hais tias txoj kev ntsuas kub saum toj no yog hom tsis sib cuag, cov txheej txheem ntsuas yog yooj yim thiab ceev.Tam sim no, twb muaj qee cov neeg siv khoom siv hluav taws xob xws li xov tooj ntawm tes thiab cov khoom siv hnav ntawm lub khw uas tuaj yeem paub txog kev ua haujlwm ntawm qhov ntsuas kub tsis sib cuag, uas yog, ntxiv ib qho infrared sensor rau lub koob yees duab tom qab module ntsuas kub los ntawm kev txais hluav taws xob infrared. , thiab tom qab ntawd paub txog qhov ntsuas kub ua haujlwm.
Raws li kev kis tus kabmob kis mus ntxiv, kev saib xyuas lub cev qhov kub thiab txias tau maj mam dhau los ua ib txwm muaj, thiab cov ntsuas hluav taws xob infrared xav tias yuav dhau los ua tus qauv teeb tsa ntawm cov xov tooj ntse thiab cov khoom siv hnav.
Nws tau nkag siab tias thaum Lub Rau Hli 2020, Honour tau tshaj tawm lub ntiaj teb thawj qhov ntsuas kub ntsuas 5G lub xov tooj ntawm tes, sib koom ua ke cov ntsuas kub infrared rau hauv lub ntsej muag lees paub module ntawm kev saib xyuas kev nyab xeeb, thiab lwm yam, kom ua tiav qib siab ntawm kev sib koom ua ke ntawm kev ua haujlwm, nyob rau hauv txoj kev coj noj coj ua ntawm kev lag luam benchmark tuam txhab uas muag, cov tuam txhab xov tooj ntawm tes hauv kev lag luam tau tsim cov qauv nrog kev ntsuas kub ua haujlwm, thiab Xiamen Yeying kuj tau nyob rau pem hauv ntej ntawm kev ua lag luam.
Tam sim no, Xiamen Yeying's STP10DB51G2 sensor tau koom tes nrog ntau tus neeg paub zoo hauv xov tooj ntawm tes.Ib lub tuam txhab xov tooj ntawm tes tau mus txog ntau lawm, thiab ob lub tuam txhab xov tooj ntawm tes tau ua tiav daim ntawv pov thawj.Kev ua raws li yuav txuas ntxiv koom tes nrog lwm cov tuam ntxhab thiab yuav raug tso tawm sai sai.Smartphones, handheld smart terminals, wearable devices and other products with infrared temperature measurement function.

Raws li cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb ntawm cov khoom siv ntsuas kub tsis sib cuag lub cev, Xiamen Yeying's infrared thermopile sensor tau siv dav hauv kev ntsuas kub ntsuas.
Txhawm rau txuas ntxiv txhim kho nws cov txiaj ntsig zoo hauv kev ntsuas kub ntsuas kev kho mob, Xiamen Yeying yuav txuas ntxiv txhim kho qhov tseeb ntawm qhov ntsuas kub infrared, thiab nws tuaj yeem tau txais qhov ntsuas kub zoo dua lub cev ntsuas qhov tseeb hauv ntau yam kev thov, kom ua tiav qhov ntsuas kub infrared. ntsuas ntawm theem tsev kho mob.Qhov nrov ntawm lub cev ntsuas kub.Tam sim no, lub tuam txhab tau tshaj tawm qhov ntsuas kub infrared uas tiv taus hluav taws xob cuam tshuam thiab thermal poob siab hauv cov lus teb rau cov kev cai tshiab ntawm kev tswj hwm kev nyab xeeb thiab tiv thaiv thermal shock hauv daim ntawv thov scenarios.
Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, Yeying tseem koom nrog kev ntsuas kub infrared ua haujlwm nrog lub neej txhua hnub, thiab paub txog lub neej ntse thiab zoo nkauj los ntawm kev nkag siab infrared sensor.Tam sim no, Yeying tau ua tus thawj coj hauv kev ua tiav kev ua tiav hauv daim ntawv thov ntawm infrared sensors hauv cov khoom siv hauv tsev, xov tooj ntawm tes, cov khoom siv hluav taws xob thiab lwm yam khoom siv, thiab cov khoom muaj feem xyuam tau pib siv rau hauv cov khoom siv.
Kev vam khom rau nws txoj kev ywj pheej CMOS-MEMS thev naus laus zis, Yeying's R & D pab pawg tau ua tiav cov txheej txheem thev naus laus zis los ntawm cov khoom siv thev naus laus zis, chip tsim, ntim sensor, thiab cov ntawv thov sensor.Hauv kev ua raws li, Yeying tseem yuav hloov kho qhov ntsuas kub infrared rau digital, miniaturization, thiab systemization, thiab muab cov neeg siv khoom nrog Turnkey daws los tsim "Suav core" nrog kub.

Post lub sij hawm: Jan-06-2022